So you are looking to take the CPE, which is the highest level qualification that shows that you have mastered English and you are exceptionally good at it. If you pass this exam, you can teach English as a job and submit it to any university that accepts it.  

And given that the exam covers both oral and written, it can be very challenging. So if you are looking to ace the exam and get an A, you need all the help you can get. This article covers 10 valuable tips for acing C2 Proficiency (CPE) Reading and Use of English. Read till the end for all the details. 

Overview of C2 Proficiency (CPE) Reading and Use of English

Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE), also known as C2 Proficiency, is an English language examination organized by Cambridge Assessment English. A certificate is issued to students who pass the exam showing that they are exceptionally good at English. 

C2 Proficiency covers key language skills, which include Writing, Reading & use of English, Speaking, and Listening. These key exam components are combined to form four exam papers

The Reading and Use of English has seven parts that must be covered in 1 hour 30 minutes and is 40% of total marks. This paper shows that you can confidently read different types of text, such as journals, manuals, fiction, non-fiction, and newspapers. The length of the text is typically around 3,000. 

The Reading and Use of English parts consist of Multiple-choice cloze, Open cloze, Word formation, Key word transformations, Multiple choice, Gapped text, and Multiple matching. Each part consists of between six to eight questions, making it a total of 55 questions in this paper, and all aspects award one mark for each correct answer except for Multiple choice, which awards two. 

A certificate and a statement of result will be issued to those who pass the exam. It shows the score for each part of the exam and the overall score, which is gotten from the average of the combination of the scores of each part. 

It also shows the grade and CEFR level. For instance, you are graded A if you score between 220 to 230. If you score between 213 to 219, you are graded B. If you score between 200 to 212, you are graded C. All three grades are CEFR level C2. 

But people who score between 180 and 199 will only be issued CEFR Level C1. However, people who score between 162 and 179 will receive their statement of result showing their score but will not receive certificates. 

It is also important to note that C2 Proficiency with a CEFR Level C2 is usually the most accepted, but C1 can be used as a reliable assessment. 

10 Tips and Techniques to Increase Your Score on C2 Proficiency (CPE) Reading and Use of English

Tip 1: Read A Lot

Reading and Use of English tests assess how well you can read different material. It makes sense to practice your ability with English words by reading a lot. Look for a variety of material in English, such as literature, academic literature, magazines, newspapers, etc. This will help you get familiar with words, especially difficult ones, and also help you practice your reading speed.  

Tip 2: Train Your Comprehension Skills

Comprehension is key when taking the Reading and Use of English section of the CPE. This means understanding what the writer is trying to communicate. When you have this understanding, you can answer the questions correctly.  

You can improve your comprehension skills by using context clues, summarizing what you read, looking for the main idea, and reading in smaller text.  

Tip 3: Enrich your Vocabulary 

You will be reading about 3000 words in 1 hour 30 minutes, with limited time to answer each question, so you have to be familiar with as many words as possible, and one way to do that is by enriching your vocabulary. 

This can be done through reading literary works, dictionaries, and thesaurus, having a word of the day, creating a vocabulary list, etc. This will help you read faster and familiarize yourself with new terms, enabling you to get your answers correctly. 

Tip 4: Know How to Use Different Reading Techniques

Some helpful reading techniques include skimming, which means reading passages quickly to get the structure and main idea. There is scanning, where you look for specific information by quickly examining the text. Then there is also detailed reading, which is an in-depth analysis of the passage to help you comprehend questions correctly. 

Knowing this technique will help you answer each section of CPE Reading and Use of English and ensure you answer all the questions before time is up. 

Tip 5: Manage Your Time 

Allocate time to each section and follow it through. If you encounter a question that is too difficult, move to the next one and return to it before you run out of time.

This way, you can cover more questions you know the answer to instead of wasting your time on challenging questions. 

Tip 6: Take the Practice test 

Taking practice tests can help you become familiar with the type of questions that would be set in the exam. It will also help you review your answer and know where you need to improve. You can then work on your mistakes and learn from them. 

Tip 7: Practice Summarizing

Summarizing paragraphs and putting text in your own word will improve your understanding and help you compress information effectively, making it easier to choose the correct answers to questions. 

Tip 8: Take Notes 

When reading, taking notes on your jotter or the margin of your note is a good idea. These notes will make your study sessions more effective. The notes can also help you quickly revise a few hours before you begin the exam. 

Tip 9: Ask for Help

Studying in isolation might not be entirely favorable, especially if you struggle to understand something. So seek the help of your English teacher or join a community of students planning to take the exam. Ask questions and help each other identify your weaknesses and work on them. 

Tip 10: Manage Stress

Stress can affect your performance negatively, and keeping it under check would benefit you. You can practice deep breathing, relaxation techniques, and positive visualization and remain confident throughout the exam. 


These tips will help you do well and increase your CPE Reading and Use of English score. However,  consistent study routine, dedication, practice, and a comprehensive understanding of the English language will go a long way in preparing you for the exam and ensure you have a high score. 

We hope you will ace the CPE  Reading and Use of English section after the proper preparations. Make sure also to check out our Scholarships Page for different information on scholarships and universities across the globe!

About the Author: Hyun Lee

Hyun is the founder at Global Scholarships. He has received a full-tuition scholarship at Birmingham-Southern College as well as $1,000 Burger King Scholarship for his undergraduate degree and has been offered a fully funded scholarship consisting of tuition, living stipend, and health insurance for computer science Ph.D. program at North Carolina State University. Read more about his scholarship journey here.

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