Slovakia is a progressive country in the heart of Europe known today for its thriving automobile industry. Through the decades, it has gone through incredible progress in almost all societal aspects, including education. In addition, the country has been better represented in higher learning, science, research, and sports since joining the European Union in 2004.

Home to great inventors like Jozef Murgaš (wireless telegraph), Ivan Alexander Getting (GPS), Andy Warhol (Pop art), and much more, Slovakia proves to be an ideal study destination for the next generation of innovators. In this article, we will be looking at the best scholarships in Slovakia for international students.

Is Slovakia a Good Place to Study for International Students?

Slovakia has a long history of academic excellence and remains one of the most competitive nations for higher learning. Universities offer a variety of degree programs, and the most popular ones are Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, European Studies, Computer Science, and Business Studies. Tuition fees are free for citizens of European Union countries, while very affordable to those from outside the EU.

Besides studies, life in Slovakia is just as dynamic. International students can never run out of natural wonders to visit, rich folklore to explore, and unique attractions to try. What’s more, students receive an ID card that grants them low transportation fees to get around the country’s friendly cities. This vibrant social and cultural environment adds to the rewarding experience of studying in Slovakia.

Check Also: Programs in Europe for International Students

Can International Students Work in Slovakia while Studying?

International students who are interested in working alongside their studies can do so in Slovakia. The country allows part-time work up to 20 hours per week for students enrolled full-time in Slovakian universities, without the need to apply for any special work permit.

Can International Students Stay in Slovakia after Graduation?

After finishing their studies, many international students wish to start their professional careers in Slovakia. Fortunately, foreign graduates are encouraged to stay in Slovakia without any special work permit. All you have to do is make sure your residence permit is valid, and you can continue staying in the country whether you’re from within or outside the EU. Furthermore, the Police Department can grant you permanent residence after five uninterrupted years of stay in the country.

Top Universities in Slovakia

1. Comenius University in Bratislava

Comenius University in Bratislava is Slovakia’s largest university and is the best university in Slovakia for international students. It was named after the 17th-century Czech philosopher and theologian, Jan Amos Comenius, who was one of the first advocates of universal education. This university is known for its involvement with the UNESCO Chairs program, an initiative of universities to tackle the world’s most pressing social challenges. Comenius University upholds these values in its 13 faculties, with the widest range of programs – be it mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, medicine, and much more.

Every year, Comenius University receives the highest number of international students, while sending out local students abroad as well. All throughout, they facilitate hundreds of local and international research activities participated by over 30,000 students and 2,000 faculty members.

2. Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Founded in 1952, the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra is a public institution for higher learning located in Slovakia’s oldest city. It is an open university that focuses on the present needs of the agriculture sector on a national and global scale. Comprising six faculties, this university in Slovakia provides education in the natural, social, technical, and economic sciences, as well as spearheading research projects on biotechnology, bioenergy, agrobiology, and food science.

The quality of education at the Slovak University of Agriculture is on par with other prestigious institutions abroad. Truly international in standards, it was the first Slovakian university to receive a European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Label, which ensures the best student mobility and implementation of the European academic system.

3. Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice

The second-oldest university in Slovakia is the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. It carries the name of Pavel Jozef Šafárik, a Slovak philologist, historian, poet, and ethnographer who was a great influence on the history and languages of the Slavs. It comprises five faculties, namely medicine, science, arts, law, and public administration, where classes are delivered in both Slovak and English. The university also boasts a Technology and Innovation Park, a botanical garden, a Physical Education Center, and an expansive library.

The Pavol Jozef Šafárik University is one of the top universities in Slovakia, and one of the reasons is that it is involved in several partnerships with universities abroad. International students in Pavol find the university campus ideal for studying while exploring Central Europe, especially since the city of Košice lies near the borders of Poland, Ukraine, and Hungary.

4. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU)

Another top university in Slovakia for international students is the Slovak University of Technology. It is the largest technical university in the country and was the only institution in Central Europe to have ranked among the top 150 schools for Computer Science. Besides this achievement, STU offers degree programs in seven faculties. These are the faculties of civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering, chemical and food technology, architecture, materials science, and information technology. There are also institutes for management and engineering studies.

Like most technical universities, STU focuses on solving present global issues and developing sustainable solutions. Hence, it is the best place to learn about sustainable development, energy and raw materials, biotechnology, and other close disciplines that are the university’s focus areas.

5. Technical University of Košice (TUKE)

The Technical University of Košice is the leading science and technology institution in its region. Due to its specialized programs, it attracts not just students in Central Europe, but all over the world. It is the Slovakian university to choose if you’re interested in heavy engineering, metallurgy, manufacturing technology, and aeronautics. Moreover, there are also faculties for civil and electrical engineering, economics, and the arts.

This top university in Slovakia is also establishing a reputation in entrepreneurship. Just in 2021, it bested several universities in the Slovak University Startup Cup – a yearly competition for the most innovative and sustainable projects. With a forward-thinking mindset and unique programs, TUKE is fast becoming the flagship university of Slovakia for international students.


We hope that this article on the best universities in Slovakia for international students was helpful. Make sure to also check out the Available Programs in Europe!

About the Author: Hyun Lee

Hyun is the founder at Global Scholarships. He has received a full-tuition scholarship at Birmingham-Southern College as well as $1,000 Burger King Scholarship for his undergraduate degree and has been offered a fully funded scholarship consisting of tuition, living stipend, and health insurance for computer science Ph.D. program at North Carolina State University. Read more about his scholarship journey here.

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