Selecting where to get your college degree is a very critical decision. One of the most important factors to consider is the money spent on the education required. But in as much as you want the most affordable education for yourself or your child, you also consider the quality of academics that would be traded for your money.

In Colorado alone, there are about a hundred bachelor’s degrees, most of which are affordable. With this number, you are sure to find one that meets your financial budget. The extra money saved from these cheap colleges could, in turn, be used for other needs like accommodation, transportation, feeding, and other expenses.

To make your search easier below are listed some of the most affordable colleges that can be gotten in the state of Colorado.

Cheap Colleges in Colorado

1. Colorado Mountain College

  • In-State Tuition (semester): $4,440
  • Out-of-State Tuition (semester): $11,184
  • Tuition Link

Ranked as the highest degree-granting institution, Colorado Mountain College is a public community college that operates multiple campuses in western Colorado. With a student-to-faculty ratio of 11:1, there is an optimum learning experience and a small class size. They have an annual enrollment of 5800 students and are committed to affordable learning and high-quality education without the risk of graduating with debt.


2. Fort Lewis College

  • In-State Tuition (per credit hour): $354.50
  • Out-of-State Tuition (per credit hour): $798.50
  • Tuition Link

A public liberal arts college located in Durango, Fort Lewis College is an institution that houses 3300 students every year. It has a student-to-faculty ratio of 15:1 and has students from 50 states, 17 countries, and also students of American Indian tribes and Native Alaskan Villages. Fort Lewis College has a unique origin as a military fort before being turned to an Indian boarding school and then turned into a public school. They follow a 1911 mandate enabling them to provide a tuition-free education for suitable Native Americans and also to award 16% of the Bachelor’s degrees earned by those students.


3. Aims Community College

  • In-State Tuition (per credit hour): $106.00
  • Out-of-State Tuition (per credit hour): $425.00
  • Tuition Link

Serving Northern Colorado, Aims Community College was founded in 1967 and has since spread to have campuses in Greely, Windsor, Fort Lupton, and Loveland. With more than 200 degree and certification programs, this cheap college in Colorado offers one of the most affordable tuition rates. Aims have 8846 students enrolled.


4. Lamar Community College

  • In-State Tuition (per credit hour): $242.90
  • Out-of-State Tuition (per credit hour): $248.20
  • Tuition Link

Lamar Community College is the smallest member of the Colorado Community College System. It was founded in 1937 and is known to focus its educational services on primary areas like Prowers, Baca, Kiowa, and Cheyenne countries. It is located on the Golden Plains of Southern Eastern Colorado.


5. Pueblo Community College

  • In-State Tuition (per credit hour): $242.90
  • Out-of-State Tuition (per credit hour): $610.90
  • Tuition Link

Formerly Southern Colorado Junior College (SCJC) until 1937, Pueblo Community College (PCC) has come a long way to accommodating 6,592 students and spreading this number across four campuses in the Pueblo region. This cheap college in Colorado also opened a new health clinic in 2008, to provide low-cost, basic health services for its students. They also opened a cafeteria called Pueblo Joe’s.


6. Community College of Aurora

  • In-State Tuition (per credit hour): $242.90
  • Out-of-State Tuition (per credit hour): $610.90
  • Tuition Link

A Colorado Community College is said to offer 100 degree and certification options for you. It was established in 1967, and it focuses mainly on the underserved, first-generation, and minority students. It was two campuses, one in Aurora and one in Denver. The College serves about 9000 students, 28% of which are full-time and the other 72%, part-time. The College encourages and accommodates transfer students as well.


7. Red Rocks Community College

  • In-State Tuition (per credit hour): $313.92
  • Out-of-State Tuition (per credit hour): $775.92
  • International Student Tuition (per credit hour): $775.92
  • Tuition Link

Another cheap college in Colorado is Red Rocks Community College, which is one that provides about 650 courses in 150 areas. Originally Red Rocks campus until it became Red Rocks Community College on July 1, 1983, and then opening another campus in 1990. It is the fifth-largest community college in Colorado, servicing students, including traditional students, ESL and international students, veterans, and students with disabilities.


8. Front Range Community College

  • In-State Tuition (per credit hour): $242.90
  • Out-of-State Tuition (per credit hour): $610.90
  • Tuition Link

Known for having classrooms and labs that use some of the most advanced technology in the state, Front Range Community College has multiple campuses in Colorado. Its campuses stretch their regions to Westminster, Longmont, and Fort Collins. It is the largest community college in Colorado. It is a popular transfer institution for the University of Colorado-Boulder, Colorado State University, Metropolitan State University of Denver, and CSU Global.


9. Arapahoe Community College

  • In-State Tuition (per credit hour): $242.90
  • Out-of-State Tuition (per credit hour): $610.90
  • Tuition Link

Founded in 1965 as Arapahoe Junior College, Arapahoe Community College was the first two-year College in Denver. This cheap college in Colorado is committed to affordability and keeping its Tuition on a low profile. They offer 100 degree and certificate programs and also make transfers to universities for Bachelor’s degree completion, easy and highly achievable. They have locations in Littleton, Parker, and Castle Rock for convenient access to various students from various locations.


We hope that this article on Cheap Colleges in Colorado was helpful. To know more information on studying abroad, check out the Available Programs for International Students.

About the Author: Hyun Lee

Hyun is the founder at Global Scholarships. He has received a full-tuition scholarship at Birmingham-Southern College as well as $1,000 Burger King Scholarship for his undergraduate degree and has been offered a fully funded scholarship consisting of tuition, living stipend, and health insurance for computer science Ph.D. program at North Carolina State University. Read more about his scholarship journey here.

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